Thursday, August 21, 2008


holy shit, so i come back from a week away from a computer to find some huge news (in my opinion): Bloc Party, one of my all time favorite bands, made the surprise announcement two days earlier that they would release their 3rd album on august 21st. According to them, fewer than 10 people even knew the album existed and that the release was coming prior to the announcement. That's impressive. As you probably realize, that's today. i went to the website and paid to download the album, and after a first spin, I can say I'm at least not disappointed. After the taster that was the songs left off of A Weekend in the City, which were compiled by bloggers and referred to as Another Weekend in the City (look it up - most of the tracks are pretty awesome), this is decidedly more experimental, while those sounded more like the songs on Silent Alarm. Anyways, highlights for me after a first listen on the train into work would be 1. Ion Square, 2. Biko (sooo sick, think this ones gonna be on heavy rotation), 3. Trojan Horse. We'll see which one's just need more play time to catch.

Anyways, here's the album which I uploaded.

HOWEVER, if you like what you hear, I really hope that you will drop the measely $10 to support this awesome band. They are one of the bands I look up to for truly trying something different and pushing music in new directions. This is the link to order it digitally:
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